Frequently Asked Questions
Have questions about booking online? Get them answered in our list of frequently asked questions below. If you encounter further issues that need our assistance, please contact us directly at +65 67374466 or enquiries@danceonus.com
Online Studio Booking Related Issues:
Do I get the best rate online?
Is my studio booking confirmed when I book online?
Will my contact information be used for other purposes?
Can I cancel my studio booking?
Can I modify my studio booking?
I wish to book 3 months or more in advance. What should I do?
Studio Booking Payment Related Issues:
How can I pay for my studio booking?
Are there any hidden charges apart from the studio booking fee stated?
Studio Booking Cancellation Related Issues:
What is the Studio Booking Cancellation Policy?
How do I get a refund on a cancelled studio booking, when I have already paid for it?
Answers to your Online Booking Related Issues:
Do I get the best rate online? ( Go Top )
All hourly studio rental rates are fixed.
Is my studio booking confirmed when I book online? ( Go Top )
Your studio booking is ONLY CONFIRMED when payment is received by Dance On Us. A confirmation will be sent to you when your payment is received by Dance On Us. The status of your studio booking (which you can check at “MY BOOKINGS”) will also be updated from “Pending” to “Paid”, confirming that your payment has been received. Paid studio bookings are secure.
To expedite the studio booking confirmation process: If you are paying via an Internet or ATM transfer, do remember to inform Dance On Us once your Internet/ATM transfer is completed by sending a SMS with your Name, Booking Details to +65-96703687. This allows Dance On Us to do a timely follow up on your studio booking and Internet/ATM payment.
Will my contact information be used for other purposes? ( Go Top )
Your contact information is used only for the purposes of your studio booking. Dance On Us does not share your contact information with any third party unless you have authorized us to do so.
Can I cancel my studio booking? ( Go Top )
Yes, you can cancel your studio booking. You can do this online if that studio booking has already been paid for. Go to “My Bookings” and select the studio booking that you want to cancel. The Booking System will prompt you on what to do next. If you prefer that Dance On Us cancel your studio booking, do write to admin@danceonus.com or call Dance On Us at +65-67374466 to request assistance.
For unpaid studio bookings, cancellation can only be done by Dance On Us. For this purpose, do write to admin@danceonus.com or call Dance On Us at +65-67374466 to request for a studio booking cancellation.
A confirmation of your studio booking cancellation is sent to you once the cancellation has been effected.
Do take note of the Studio Booking CANCELLATION POLICY. Cancellation of a studio booking made within 2 calendar weeks of that studio booking is subject to a monetary penalty, as follows:
Cancellation effected by you or notified to Dance On Us:
Between 8 to 14 calendar days (both days inclusive) of the studio booking to be cancelled = 25% of the Value of the Studio Booking to be cancelled
Between 4 to 7 calendar days (both days inclusive) of the studio booking to be cancelled = 50% of the Value of the Studio Booking to be cancelled
Within 3 calendar days of the studio booking to be cancelled = 100% of the Value of Studio Booking to be cancelled
For clarity: here is an example:
Example of a studio booking to be cancelled = Green, 10am to 11am, 15 June
If the above studio booking is cancelled:
At 9am on 1 June = More than 14 calendar days ahead of studio booking = No penalty
At 11am on 1 June = Between 8 to 14 calendar days ahead of studio booking = 25% penalty
At 11am on 8 June = Between 3 to 7 calendar days ahead of studio booking = 50% penalty
At 11am on 12 June = Within 3 calendar days of studio booking = 100% penalty
Do note that high-volume studio bookings for workshops and such may attract a morestringent Studio Booking Cancellation Policy, whereby the cancellation notice period required may be as long as 2 calendar months. The Studio Booking Cancellation Policy for such high-volume studio bookings will be decided on a case-by-case basis, and made known to you prior to your confirmation to proceed with your studio booking. Do contact Dance On Us at +65-67374466 or email enquiries@danceonus.com should you have a concern in this area.
Can I modify my studio booking? ( Go Top )
Modification of a studio booking is treated as a cancellation. Please refer to the previous question : “Can I cancel my studio booking?” for your answer.
I wish to book 3 months or more in advance. What should I do? ( Go Top )
Studio bookings 3 months or more in advance are accepted. Please call Dance On Us (+65 67374466 / 96600093) or email enquiries@danceonus.com to make your advance studio bookings.
Answers to your Payment Related Issues:
How can I pay for my studio booking? ( Go Top )
You can choose from these payment options:
- PayPal: Master or Visa preferred. If you do not have a PayPal account, you can still proceed to pay through PayPal. Just select the "Another Card" option if you do not have a PayPal Account.
- Fast Internet Bank or ATM Transfer to Harmony Dance Studios Pte Ltd’s DBS Current Account 008-901695-4: This payment mode is to be effected within the same day of your online studio booking. GIRO Internet Bank options are NOT recommended as your payment may be subject to a bank clearing delay.
- Cash: Please call Dance On Us at +65-67374466 / 96703687 to make an appointment for a cash payment. Do note that only physical cash is accepted, subject to the “legal tender limits” on payment in coins, as stated in Section 13(3) of The Currency Act. Credit Cards, NETS, EZlink and other electronic payment options are not available.
- Cheque: Please call Dance On Us at +65-67374466 / 96703687 to make an appointment for a cheque payment. Your cheque should be issued by a Singapore-resident bank and is to be made out to “Harmony Dance Studios Pte Ltd”. Dance On Us reserves the right to request for payee identification and contact details, including residential address, as a safeguard should your cheque not clear for some reason. Cheques from foreign or offshore banks are not accepted.
Go Top )
Are there any hidden charges besides the studio booking fee stated? (There are no hidden charges aside from the studio booking fee due on your studio booking:
I just paid online and I need an Official receipt (proof of payment). How do I go about requesting for an Offical receipt? ( Go Top )
- PayPal: You receive a payment confirmation directly from PayPal.
- Fast Internet Bank or ATM transfer to Harmony Dance Studios Pte Ltd’s DBS Current Account: 008-901695-4: You receive either a payment confirmation issued by your bank or a receipt issued by the ATM in use.
If you do need an Official Receipt from Dance On Us, do write in to admin@danceonus.com to request for an Official Receipt. Your email should include your name, Singapore mailing address as well as details of your studio booking (for easy reference).
Studio Booking Cancellation Related Issues:
What is the Studio Booking Cancellation Policy? ( Go Top )
Cancellation of a studio booking made within 2 calendar weeks of that studio booking is subject to a monetary penalty, as follows:
Cancellation effected by you or notified to Dance On Us:
Between 8 to 14 calendar days (both days inclusive) of the studio booking to be cancelled = 25% of the Value of the Studio Booking to be cancelled
Between 4 to 7 calendar days (both days inclusive) of the studio booking to be cancelled = 50% of the Value of the Studio Booking to be cancelled
Within 3 calendar days of the studio booking to be cancelled = 100% of the Value of Studio Booking to be cancelled
For clarity: here is an example:
Example of a studio booking to be cancelled = Green, 10am to 11am, 15 June
If the above studio booking is cancelled:
At 9am on 1 June = More than 14 calendar days ahead of studio booking = No penalty
At 11am on 1 June = Between 8 to 14 calendar days ahead of studio booking = 25% penalty
At 11am on 8 June = Between 3 to 7 calendar days ahead of studio booking = 50% penalty
At 11am on 12 June = Within 3 calendar days of studio booking = 100% penalty
Do note that high-volume studio bookings for workshops and such may attract a morestringent Studio Booking Cancellation Policy, whereby the cancellation notice period required may be as long as 2 calendar months. The Studio Booking Cancellation Policy for such high-volume studio bookings will be decided on a case-by-case basis, and made known to you prior to your confirmation to proceed with your studio booking. Do contact Dance On Us at +65-67374466 or email enquiries@danceonus.com should you have a concern in this area.
How do I get a refund on my cancelled studio booking? ( Go Top )
The booking system automatically calculates the penalty due on a cancelled studio booking. The excess after deducting the penalty due on your cancelled studio booking will be refunded to you.
If payment was done through Paypal, the refund will be nett of any Paypal charges.
Refunds are done through the Claymore Office. Your refund will be by way of cheque. Dance On Us will contact you for the necessary information (for your refund cheque), and contact you again once your refund cheque is ready. You can choose to come to the Claymore office to collect your refund cheque or arrange for your refund cheque to be mailed to you.